It is said that snacks makeup about ten percent of the American diet and, for some, even more. The International (IFIC) Food Information Council, in a 2020 survey, found that forty percent of the participants used snacks to replace meals, and twenty-five percent stated they consume two or more snacks throughout their day. Unfortunately, many of the favorite snacks consumed are high in calories, fat, sugar, and sodium, meaning the foods you choose to snack on could be sabotaging your weight loss results or journey to a healthier diet.
Here are five typical snacks to swap to achieve a healthier diet and lifestyle:
It doesn't need to be stated that overindulging in candy can be detrimental to your bloodstream and teeth. In addition, too much sugar intake can increase your blood pressure and, over time, increase your risk of developing type two diabetes. For example, fruit such as frozen grapes or strawberries makes a tasty, easy, and healthy alternative to candy. Treats like Ice Chips Candy are made with xylitol and are sugar-free, perfect for people with diabetes.
While chips may be inexpensive and a convenient option to grab, they are not the best for your health; an ounce of the typical potato chip increases your consumption of fat by ten grams and offers no other nutritional value. In addition, it's important to note that research points to an increased risk of obesity if you consume chips. Instead, try these keto chips from Genius Gourmet. Air-popped popcorn, nuts, or roasted chickpeas are great alternatives instead of chips. These Flackers Flaxseed Crackers are low carb, plant-based, gluten-free, and keto-friendly.
Fatty Dips or Cheese Dip
Ditch the fatty dips and reach for the fresh salsa and homemade hummus, these choices of full of vitamins and healthy fats that won't make you feel sluggish or tired.
Puddings made from dairy can quickly add calories and fat that can harm your heart health and make you gain more weight. For example, chia pudding, oatmeal, cream of wheat, or avocado blended with cocoa powder and honey are delicious and healthy alternatives to pudding. Although the nutrients found in these foods protect your overall health, they can also improve your digestion.
They are commonly consumed as a snack in America even though they are considered a dessert in other parts of the world. Cookies are small and easy to overindulge on, impacting your weight. Blend a few water-soaked dates and almonds and form them into balls. Roll them into tasted coconut or more nuts and enjoy a healthy and slightly sweet alternative to cookies.
Overall, finding healthy snack alternatives like these Seven Sisters Scones gluten-free and vegan snacks is easy to do as long as you are willing to take the time to learn and experiment. For example, start with just one of your favorite snacks, and then when you get used to that one, find a different unhealthy snack to tackle. In other words, you don't need to be perfect overnight. However, if you're mindful regarding your actions and understand what you are putting into your body, you will be healthier.