How A Phone Designed For The Elderly Can Help Improve Quality Of Life

Improve the quality of life with a phone designed for the elderly

    As our elderly population continues to grow, it is more important than ever before to ensure that they have the right tools and support to stay connected with family, friends, and medical professionals. One of these tools is a phone designed specifically for the elderly. In this blog post we will explore the advantages of … Read more

    Flip Phones Are Making A Comeback: A Tech Revolution For Seniors.

    The 21st century has been shaped by the influx of technology, and that includes changes to the way seniors communicate. As smartphones have become ubiquitous in our lives, those over 65 have started to embrace a humble yet efficient device: the flip phone. This blog post will explore how flip phones are once again changing … Read more

    Best Cell Phones for Seniors with Dementia

    For caregivers watching a loved one age can be an emotional and confusing time. It will prove to be even more challenging for people experiencing signs of dementia, including memory loss, disorientation, confusion, and difficulty communicating. According to Alzheimer’s Disease International, someone develops dementia every three seconds. As a caregiver, you can help this by … Read more