What’s the Difference Between Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B?

What's the Difference Between Medicare Part and Medicare Part B?

    When you qualify for Medicare, usually it’s Medicare Part A and Part B that you’re first enrolled. Original Medicare consists of two components: Medicare Part A and Part B. If you get admitted to a hospital, Medicare Part A will help pay your costs. Medicare Part B may help pay for doctor visits, preventive services, … Read more

    Does Medicare Part A Cover Outpatient Surgery? 5 Interesting Facts.

    MEdicare PArt A

    When it comes to outpatient services, you’re probably wondering does Medicare Part A covers outpatient surgery. Find out here if your surgery gets covered. How Does Medicare Part A Cover Outpatient Surgery? The number of outpatient surgeries was 129 million in 2018 and is expected to grow to 144 million by 2023. If you’re one of the … Read more

    9 Services that Most Seniors Need that Medicare Does Not Cover in 2024.

    9 Services that Most Seniors Need, that Medicare Does Not Cover.

    We quickly break down 9 services Medicare does not cover that most seniors need. Feel free to share the article and infographic! 1. Dental Care   Medicare doesn’t pay for routine dental care, including cleanings and fillings. Dentures, implants, and other dental devices aren’t covered either. If you are hospitalized, Medicare Part A does pay for certain … Read more