Medicare Plan G vs Plan G High Deductible

Greg Wilson

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medicare supplement plan g vs medicare plan g high deductible

    Are you stuck trying to differentiate between Medicare Supplement Plan G and Plan G's high deductible? Then this article is for you.

     What is Medicare Plan G High Deductible?

    Medicare Plan G's high deductible is commonly believed to be the replacement for Plan F's high deductible because they offer the same benefits. More importantly, if you become eligible for Medicare after January 1, 2020, you can't enroll for Plan F.

    Medicare Supplement Plan G's high deductible is a good plan to be considered enrolling for since it offers a lowered premium. The deductible for Plan G High Deductible which you need to pay for, is $2,490 in 2022.

    Some of the benefits of Medigap Plan G High Deductible are highlighted below:

    ●     It covers Part B coinsurance and copayment.

    ●     It covers Part B excess charges.

    ●     It covers skilled nursing facility care costs.

    ●     It covers the first 3 pints of blood.

    ●     It covers additional 365 days of Part A coinsurance and hospital costs after Medicare benefits are used.

    ●     It provides durable medical equipment.

     What is the difference between Medicare supplement Plan G and Plan G high deductible?

    Medicare supplement Plan G and Plan G high deductible are offered by a private health insurance company (not an Original Medicare).

    Medicare Supplement High Deductible Plan G is among the newest Medigap plans, which were created for those who want to benefit from Medicare Plan G but don't want to pay high monthly premiums. The major difference is that you pay a higher Part B deductible and out-of-pocket cost but lower premiums for the same benefits.

    If you qualify for Medicare but don't know where to start, we have licensed insurance agents ready to answer your questions and help you enroll in Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement Insurance, and Prescription Part D plans.

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    Who Needs Medicare Plan G high deductible?

    Medicare supplement plan G's high deductible was specially made for the following set of people:

    1. People who want to pay higher deductibles instead of higher, lower monthly premiums.
    2. People who rarely require the doctor's services or visit the hospital once in a Blue Moon.
    3. People who travel far from their home country yet want their overseas health care costs to be covered by Medicare.
    4. Live in a state that allows excess charges
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    Should I Enroll in Medicare Supplement Plan G High Deductible?

    We can't affirmatively recommend you enroll in Medicare because your needs and budget determine your plan choice. We can advise you to carefully check the plans' pros and cons and decide which is best for you.

    After considering this and you are convinced that this is the best plan for you, then follow these easy steps to enroll:

    ●     Log in to Medicare and enter your Zipcode to know the available plans in your area.

    ●     Compare and contrast the plans and choose the plan that serves you best.


    The best Medicare Plan is the one that serves you best. Choose wisely, and don't be deceived by anyone.

    ●     Get a quote and juxtapose the rate with plans available in your area. Then you are good to go.

    If you qualify for Medicare but don't know where to start, we have licensed insurance agents ready to answer your questions and help you enroll in Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement Insurance, and Prescription Part D plans.

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