According to a survey of 5000 people, 60% of CBD users were taking it for stress and anxiety, but does it work?
What is CBD?
CBD comes from a species of plant, Cannabis sativa. Still, it's important to note that hemp and marijuana are completely different forms of cannabis, characterized by their use and psycho-active ingredients. When you think of marijuana, this is usually a carefully cultivated plant consumed medically or recreationally.
The statutory definitions and regulatory oversight are very different too. For example, while marijuana remains a Schedule 1 controlled substance, restrictions on US hemp production loosed with the passing of the farm bill of 2014 and even further differentiation with the passing of the Farm Bill of 2018.
CBD does not give you the euphoric high you'd expect from consuming marijuana; it provides a calming, relaxing feeling.
CBD is a Natural Pain killer
Did you know that the body has an internal endocannabinoid system? It helps to regulate sleep, appetite, pain, and immune system response. Your body produces transmitters that bind with the cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system; doctors feel that this interaction causes anti-inflammatory and pain-killing effects.
In a study done by the CDC of over 32,000 people, 60% reported suffering from pain within the past 3-months; women were more likely to suffer from pain; however, seniors 65 and older are more likely to experience increased pain as they age.
Using a topical salve product that is full-spectrum and certified organic to treat localized pain could be an alternative to pain pills.
Aging Boomers are Embracing CBD to Be More Patient.
Aging boomers who face life transitions and new challenges try CBD to reduce anxiety and lower stress. Casually having a few drops of organic CBD tincture daily or weekly can benefit.
Most boomers could benefit from a natural remedy to treat pain associated with chronic back pain.
CBD hemp oil is rich in vitamins and minerals that we need for perfect health, including Vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B6, Vitamin E, C, Calcium, magnesium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Iron, and Zinc.
Did you know CBD has all 20 essential amino acids, even those we need from outside sources?
Symptoms Related to Cancer
Cancer patients suffer from the side effects of chemotherapy, and CBD can help with nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite.
Retired Boomers Sleep Better
Many retired boomers suffer from sleep deprivation or a general lack of sleep. However, it is essential to note that our bodies recharge and repair themselves during a good night's sleep, making it very important to get adequate rest. Whether you are up due to anxiety, depression, sick children, or other reasons, taking a daily CBD supplement at bedtime could solve this problem. For example, CBD activates the receptors responsible for sleep, restoring homeostasis and calming you, allowing you to sleep.
Elixinol uses USA-grown hemp with a money-back guarantee. They pair CBD and functional ingredients for wellness for everyone. Their products treat pain and provide daily support with tinctures and capsules. If you have a dog, it's good to know Elixinol launched a pet CBD line of products with chews designed for aging dogs to treat their joints and assist in mobility.